The Emperor Print


The Emperor represents a powerful, grounded protector but also can be rigid and stubborn. The Emperor is a hard task master and has little time for fun and frivolity. Children of The Emperor can struggle with father issues as falling short of his high expectations can affect their self-esteem. The Emperor can indicate that the father figure in your life was authoritarian and that, while he had your best interests at heart, he may have struggled to show affection or indicates a wise older man who will give you solid advice which, if you follow it, will lead you in the right direction. The Emperor signifies the dominance of logic over emotion and of the mind over the heart. It signifies that concentration, structure, stability and focus is required if you want to make your ideas and dreams a reality.

Key meanings: Older man, stability, dependability, fatherhood, father-figure, structure, protectiveness, authority, logical, practical

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Dimensions: 13 cm x 18 cm (5 inches x 7 inches)

Each tarot print is created by digitally collaging scanned vintage images to invoke the key meanings and traditional designs of each card.