The Tower Print


The Tower Tarot card represents chaos and destruction. It is the Major Arcana card of sudden upheaval and unexpected change. This change usually is scary, life changing and often unavoidable, but while it was a tremendously difficult thing to go through, it has made you into the person you are. However, the destruction The Tower brings is always followed by renewal and creation. The Tower can also represent a big change. It may be a scary adjustment and will change your life as you know it but ultimately the change will be a good one. While there are some life-events that we cannot avoid, sometimes The Tower will appear in a future if you are on a path that is leading to danger to warn you to avoid it. For instance, if you tend to put yourself in dangerous situations without thinking of the consequences, The Tower may be a warning to be mindful of your safety. Or if you take big gambles with money, The Tower may be warning you that it’s time to start acting more responsibly to avert disaster.

Key meanings: Chaos, destruction, sudden upheaval, trauma, unexpected change, disaster, loss, tragedy, revelations, confusion, pain, divorce, abuse, violence, bankruptcy, natural disasters

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Dimensions: 13 cm x 18 cm (5 inches x 7 inches)

Each tarot print is created by digitally collaging scanned vintage images to invoke the key meanings and traditional designs of each card.